Nobody Likes a Bad Recruiter – Road 2 Pro…
Job hunting can be exhausting. Bad companies and recruiters only make it worse.
You can find more on this in the video at the bottom of the page.
Most of us have had the pleasure of interviewing for tech jobs. It’s usually a month long process with multiple interviews, coding tests, the works.
Before all this, you typically work with a recruiter to get started. But sometimes, these recruiters just aren’t that bright.
A while back, I interviewed for a help desk role with a small company. The first interview went great! I answered all their questions and they answered mine. Gave them my resume, and crossed my fingers.
I got lucky and they gave me a second interview. Only this time, they asked me the EXACT SAME questions in the second interview.
Like Groundhog Day, but less amusing.
Image by Matthew Maier from Pixabay
I got really upset at this and hung up halfway through the interview. They asked if I had certifications even though it was a requirement on the application AND it was on the resume I sent them!
To be honest, I was frustrated. Here I was, someone with years of experience and a certification for the role. And they didn’t even take the time to look at my resume or keep track of my information.
I felt humiliated. Like they were trying to look down on me. I couldn’t take it so I hung up.
They never called me back either.
For another role, I responded to an online job post. I had a short conversation with the recruiter before I sent my resume and salary requirements.
I didn’t hear back from them for almost a month. I figured I didn’t get the job, but I thought I’d try reaching out for a follow up just in case.
Turns out, they never submit me for the job because he didn’t know I was still interested.
Image by Jackie_Chance from Pixabay
Even though I sent my resume and asked him to let me know if he needs MORE information!
Some recruiters stink at their jobs. Their role is to facillitate a meeting between companies and potential employees.
Like playing matchmaker.
This job is just too much for some people. You have to keep track of multiple applicants, schedule meetings, it can be a lot. It’s not for everyone.
On the other hand, some companies are just disorganized period. They’re messed up from top to bottom.
Even the best recruiter will struggle when the company lacks follow through. You might be the ideal person for the job, but the folks in charge of reviewing your skills are too busy with other tasks to handle it.
Image by Theodor Moise from Pixabay
Thanks to these experiences, and MANY others, I learned to stay cool! Don’t take these hiccups personally.
The company might be a great fit, but the hiring process is awful. Or it might stink. Either way, don’t give up! Just push ahead and continue applying in the mean time. Something will hit eventually.
I learned to follow up every 2-3 days. With some of these companies, you have to hold their hand a bit. Best of luck on your journey. Remember, you’re looking for a good fit and it’ll take some time. Be patient and move forward.
For more on this, watch the video below.
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