Capital Idea…Or Not 53/100 Days of Code
So Android Studio has an issue with capital letters…now I know
I haven’t written xml code in a while, but today I created a styling the layout for the Travel app by hand. And NO I didn’t use autocomplete. All the bragging rights, none of the rework.
Anyway, I created my file by right clicking the layouts folder and adding a file called layout_Dialog_Box.xml. I added the XML attributes, but I kept seeing a red squiggly under the opening tag of the file
I managed to fix it, but it was the strangest issue I’ve ever seen. You can find a video at the bottom of the page and a link to the source code here.
I followed my usual steps, but for some reason, I was seeing this error. What’s more, I couldn’t use this layout to inflate a view in the class file for the Dialog.
The layout didn’t even appear under the list of layouts! This was peculiar indeed. So I tried something different. I added a new XML layout file by selecting XML in the New File menu.
I tried to type the filename layout_DialogBox when I got this warning:
Android Studio doesn’t seem fond of capital letters in layout filenames. And that’s fine! At least I know for next time. Now I see why Android Studio saves new layouts with lowercase letters in the filename by default. For more on this, watch the YouTube video below. For the source code click here
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Image by Mahesh Patel from Pixabay