Playing in the Sandbox, 34/100 Days of Code
Adding multiple screens to my Travel app will let me divide the features over multiple screens.
I installed the react navigation and gesture handler packages. This allows users to touch the screen and navigate different screens in an application. I copied the code straight from the React Native navigation docs into my App.js file hoping to create a standard app with a few screens.
And I was humbled, immediately. I ran into a series of errors with no idea how to move forward. I need more training first. Before I can implement this feature, I’m going to work through part of the React Navigation tutorial.
One thing is clear, creating a separate, basic application as a sandbox for learning new features was an excellent choice. I was able to experiment without making changes to my actual project. Once I get a grasp on navigating between screens, I’ll continue with my project.
You can see the video of this experiment here