Tracing is Fun! 15/100 Days of Code
Today I wrote out the pseudocode for my codekata solution…BY HAND!
The codekata I’m working on seems to be about formatting a String. At work, I didn’t have a laptop with Java installed, but I did have my pen and pad. That and the Oracle website for the Java API. I looked at the String class and made note of the different methods I needed for splitting and extracting substrings for the solution.
split(), substring(), indexOf() just to name a few. I wrote out the different actions the program needed to perform along with dummy variables and test values to make sure it would work.
When I got home, I wrote the pseudocode in a Java file and made note of the additional steps that need researching. Tracing a program from start to finish is a lot of fun! And today I got to do the oldschool method of writing out my code. But fun as it was, programming is way easier on a laptop.